Category Archives: Promotional

Zelda vs. Jesus Kickstarter Project

We’re coming back with some fun new content next week, but for now I have to pass along something exciting. This project was recently brought to my attention and I think you all need to go check it out. Exploring the connections between video games and Jesus is what Reclaimer is all about. If you like this blog, then this book is right up your alley. You should go support this author in making this book a reality.

From the Kickstarter page:

“So what’s going on here? Just how many links are there between Link’s adventures and the imagery and ideas of real-world religion? Are these parallels between Christianity and the Zelda games intentional or not, and what implications would the answer to that question have? I want to explore this territory – to dig deeper into one of gaming’s most venerable franchises – and see what we can find.”

We Can’t Repel Fashion of this Magnitude!

The internet is about sharing awesome things, and that’s what this special message is about. Josh Alves, Reclaimer reader and graphic designer extraordinaire, has a t-shirt design featured on Shirt Punch for an astonishingly low $10. Your wardrobe will lack nerd-cred without this shirt.

He also has a shop with lots of great stuff over at Zazzle, including fridge magnets, posters, and t-shirts. My personal favorite is this one:

Go forth and shop!